There default logo depending on the versions i seen has either a one tone dark green, or a gold gradient. I personally wouldn't change the colour of the logo because i believe it suits the theme of the Motel (green version). If i was to change it i would change the Website logo ( gold gradient ) because while gold shows royalty and wealth, i also believe it shows they believe they are better then the look. Which is why would make it the same colour green as i feel it would make it look like a more clean, friendly, natural place.
For hungry jacks i would leave the red as is because it helps to stimulate the senses and help blood flow, which would in turn with the smell of the food, make you more hungry and more likely to buy food. The yellow if bright is men't to help bring forth decision making, self confidence and optimism, yet if dull it can bring fear. I would probably change the overall logo to be a more vibrant and bright.
With this logo i would probably change one tone of the pyramid graphic to a earthy tone such as brown as it is said to help the felling of being home. I would also use the colour's white(which they have done with text) to bring a feeling of purity and cleanliness; and green to help make them feel comfortable and relaxed.
With this logo i would change the colour scheme to a yellow, or possibly a lighter blue. The yellow would show wealth which would per sway that there parts are high/better quality. Where as the blue would show cleanliness and calmness, which would help per sway the idea of a more friendly and personal experience. I would also have the text as the colour and the background transparent.
With this logo i would do the same as i would with the fitzpatrik one. making it more earthy and friendly. trying to give a more personal and homey feel. Using brown as it is said to help the felling of being home. Green to help make there client feel comfortable and relaxed.
With this logo i would leave it as is. the use of pink is described to show calm, protection, warmth and nurture. Yellow shows discernment, memory, clear thinking, decision-making and good judgment. The light blue helps to create a peaceful experience.

The logo for Romanos Hotel uses the colour white for its text, i believe this is a good colour choice and i would leave it as is. Its said to show openness and cleanliness which when you go out you like to look presentable and to communicate with other people.

This logo is another that i wouldn't change. Orange represents the ability to
relieves feelings of self-pity, lack of self-worth and unwillingness to forgive. Which i believe helps world vision per sway you to help them make the world a better place.